Why does Düdle have an umlaut? Why not! Also, it makes it more likely a reader will pronounce it Doodle instead of Dudley... maybe?
Here at Düdle we’ve spent a lot of time writing, posting, and sharing things with umlauts, so we’ve gotten pretty good at finding them on our keyboards. Do you want to share things about Düdle and do it cörrëctlÿ? Or if not correctly, with an umlaut? Here’s how!
On a Mac, hold down option and hit u. A floating ¨ will appear. Then hit u again and it will become ü.
On a Windows, hold down ALT while you type 0252 (using the key pad, not the numbers along the top of the keyboard, and make sure Num Lock is on)
On a Windows laptop without a key pad? Press Start > Accessories > System Tools > Character map and copy the character from there. While you're there, check the key combination that produces an umlaut.
On an iPhone, go to your languages in the system preferences and add a language that uses the umlaut, like German. Then when you are typing hit the little globe symbol and the keyboard will switch to German, use the ü key and then hit the globe to switch back to English.
In HTML you type & (ampersand symbol) then the letter (u) then the letters uml, then ; (semicolon) -> ü
Now go forth and ümläüt ünnëcëssäriîÿ!
Here at Düdle we’ve spent a lot of time writing, posting, and sharing things with umlauts, so we’ve gotten pretty good at finding them on our keyboards. Do you want to share things about Düdle and do it cörrëctlÿ? Or if not correctly, with an umlaut? Here’s how!
On a Mac, hold down option and hit u. A floating ¨ will appear. Then hit u again and it will become ü.
On a Windows, hold down ALT while you type 0252 (using the key pad, not the numbers along the top of the keyboard, and make sure Num Lock is on)
On a Windows laptop without a key pad? Press Start > Accessories > System Tools > Character map and copy the character from there. While you're there, check the key combination that produces an umlaut.
On an iPhone, go to your languages in the system preferences and add a language that uses the umlaut, like German. Then when you are typing hit the little globe symbol and the keyboard will switch to German, use the ü key and then hit the globe to switch back to English.
In HTML you type & (ampersand symbol) then the letter (u) then the letters uml, then ; (semicolon) -> ü
Now go forth and ümläüt ünnëcëssäriîÿ!